Plumb Works  Academy Is in Session

Review your course calendar and prepare to raise your plungers with pride!

Winter Session

Spring Session

Plumb Works Academy instructor standing by a home's water valves.

What’s That Noise and
What Does It Mean?

PWA instructor explaining how to clear a clogged or slow draining sink.
How to Clear a Clogged or
Slow-Draining Sink
Plumber talking.

What Did Your Plumber Just Say?

Summer Session

Plumb Works Academy instructor demonstrating how to clean a faucet aerator.

How to Clean or Replace
a Faucet Aerator or Showerhead

Plumber standing in front of showerheads, giving lesson about them.

Picking Out Fixtures With a
Plumber’s Eye

Move to the head of the class with advanced access to new classes!

Enroll in the Plumb Works Academy today.

* indicates required
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Advanced Placement

If you’re interested in going beyond the basics of home plumbing, learn about apprenticeships and ask about the Plumb Works Academy Advanced Placement program. Plumbers make a good wage for an honest trade. We’ll start you on the path to a rewarding career.